Teacher Professional Development Workshops Start May 23

Calling K-12 Teachers and Media Specialists!

Looking for humanities-based resources for your classroom? Need grant money for professional development, classroom projects, or field trips that have strong humanities content? Want a chance for fun door prizes?

HumanitiesAR can help! Three different types of workshops are available starting May 23, 2023: Resources for Teaching with the Humanities, Exploring Arkansas Delta’s Economic Heritage, and Voices and Votes.

Resources for Teaching with the Humanities workshops offer two hours of credit and will introduce you to HumanitiesAR grant programs available to K-12 Arkansas teachers and librarians, along with new HumanitiesAR programs, resources, and lesson plans focusing on humanities content for your classroom.

In partnership with Economics Arkansas, the HumanitiesAR is presenting at each of the Exploring Arkansas’s Economic Heritage workshops at six different museum sites in the Delta. Offering six hours of credit, these workshops focus on the economic connections of each historic site to Arkansas’s history and development. AHC’s presentation will include grant information, new programs, and resources available for your classrooms.

Targeted Voices and Votes workshops at each traveling exhibit site offer two hours of credit. Presentations will include information on companion classroom resources available online from the Smithsonian education team, a VIP tour of the exhibit at each site, Arkansas primary source materials related to the exhibit themes, and how to apply for a special Voices and Votes Field Trip Grant.

Multiple opportunities to attend a workshop begin May 23, and you’ll receive door prizes, resource flash drives, and other takeaways at each workshop.

Browse all workshop dates and register today!